according to the report by **Shahrara News**, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a gathering with the Quran Reciters on the first day of the blessed month of Ramadan, stated: “Ramadan is a great festival for the believers.”
Selected points from his remarks are as follows:
– In personal and social life, there are ailments that can be resolved through the Quran.
– The Quran provides guidance on how to interact with world power-holders.
– We face social justice issues, and the solution to these is found in the Quran.
– The Quran not only shows the way but also inspires.
– Reciting the verses of the Quran leads to purification.
– Recitation is a prophetic act.
– Transform the concepts of the Quran into the common beliefs of the people.
– When reciting, be aware that you are in the presence of Allah; read the Quran with attention to its meaning.
– In the early days of the revolution, our reciters imitated Egyptian reciters; today, many of the recitations are innovative.
– The challenge of understanding meanings during recitation must be addressed; today’s reciters pay attention to meanings, which was not the case in the early days of the revolution.
– The Supreme Leader advised reciters on the type of attire and avoiding forbidden melodies: our reciters should maintain the Iranian identity in their appearance and clothing.
– Imitation in recitation is not problematic; however, training imitators and teaching them to copy recitations is not logical.
– Quran-related institutions should work in synergy; attention should be paid to the policies of the Supreme Council of the Quran.
– If the Quran is recited and listened to correctly, all diseases will be cured. The Quran tells us both the cure and the way, and it also instills motivation. This is a crucial point. Many know the path but lack motivation, and intellectual and moral systems cannot instill motivation in these individuals. The Quran instills motivation. When the Quran is recited and listened to well, and careful attention is paid, these significant results will be achieved for us.
– There should be much remembrance of God, **Dhikr Allah Kathiran**. One should practice **Khidh al-‘Afw** and act **Fi Sabil Allah**; and the numerous other concepts in the Quran—thousands of topics and issues—can be transformed into intellectual knowledge for the masses. What enables this? Recitation of the Quran. Through reciting the Quran, the Quranic literacy of people improves, and as a result, they think as the Quran directs. Generally, people act as they think.
– Today, the Iranian nation faces a broad front of infidel or hypocritical power-holders. We have no issues with the nations. Nations are either brothers or have no business with each other. Those who have business with nations are the power-holders.
– Today, we are among the countries facing a broad front of these power-holders. How should we interact with them? The Quran contains guidance on how to interact with them. At what stage to engage in dialogue, at what stage to cooperate, at what stage to confront, and at what stage to draw the sword—all of this is clearly outlined in the Quran.
– Regarding internal social issues, the most important matter after monotheism and knowledge in the formation of an Islamic society is social justice. Prophets did not invite to anything more than justice after monotheism. We have social justice issues, and their solution is in the Quran.